7'9" Malibu Tri FinThe Natural Surf Malibu is the ideal board for first time surfers. Stable when floating or paddling , it's easy to take off on. Small wonder then, that this board is so widely used in most surfing schools. However, the Malibu is also highly praised by top surfers for it's maneuverability. In short it is a great design whoever you are. I love these Bic Surfboards and carry the entire line. The 7'9" outsold the 7'3" and 9' last summer although sales of the 7'3" and 9' remain strong. Ask seller a question about special ebay sales. The best bang for your buck, no other surfboard as durable and performance functional as the Bic sells for a price even close to a Bic.
Length 2,38 m/7'9"
Wide 0,56 m/22"
Maximum thickness 6,8 cm/2"5/8
Weight 6 kg/13 lbs
Fin Natural Surf with twins option
Material ACS